You are made from stardust
every bit as bright and shiny
every bit as mysterious and ethereal
You are made from dust
everyday, ordinary dust
that settles in undisturbed places
that collects and holds memories of fingerprints
You come from the garden
a place of seeds and weeds,
where there is flourishing and where there is dormancy
The bits of you were gathered together
from stars, from dust, from the cool dirt of the garden
Holy breath spoke life into your very bones
Life will coax you along to wonder at the vastness of the stars
seeking answers in their mystery
that part of you that is stardust- illuminating
You will travel dusty roads
sometimes consumed by storms of dust and debris
but arriving on the other side more aware of the dust formed
in the shape and wonder of you
Your life will echo the seasons of the garden,
planting leading to growing
growing leading to fruit
fruit leading to blessing
blessing returning to dirt
to rest and renew
And when your journey comes full circle
when the breath that formed you
welcomes you home
you will scatter
among the stars
leaving fingerprints behind
resting at last in the garden
from the dust you were created and to the dust you will return